Social Commerce

We’re turning inspirational content into transactional experiences through Shoppable Content

Making the purchase process a one-click endeavor

Shoppable content provides a direct purchasing opportunity and allows consumers to either add products to a cart directly from what they are viewing or be taken to a product page and continue online shopping from there.

You can read this article to learn more about the value of letting your customer skip the storefront and go directly to checkout from a social media platform.

Shoppable Content Formats


Organic Social

Organic content creation distributed across First Media’s brand social platforms

Shoppable at any online store


Long Form Content

Custom long-form content driving social shopping

Distributed on TV, Facebook Watch, YouTube and TikTok


Performance Marketing Ad

Paid CPA dynamic ads targeting social media users and potential customers, driving direct brand awareness and action of shoppable posts through custom creative



Custom OOH digital experiences, 100% shoppable through scannable QR code

A glance at our high-level customer journey

Organic Social Feed

Paid Ad

So Yummy Shoppable Website

Walmart Shopping Cart

What We Deliver For
Our Partners

Create powerful ecommerce experiences that turn viewers into shoppers – with just one click.

Shoppable Content

Simplify the path to purchase

Reduce friction

Conversion metrics

Enhance ecommerce experience

The First Media

Taking content our fans are already engaging with and driving them to action by making all content 100% shoppable.

360º digital experiences

Organic social

Paid ads

Long form content

Social proof


360° Shoppable Walmart Campaign

Contact our Social Commerce Division to learn more

Drive more online shoppers to your ecommerce site in real-time by including social commerce in your marketing strategy. Increase your ecommerce sales, improve your customer experience, and grow awareness for your social channels by partnering with First Media to enhance your social commerce strategy.

Ready to Partner with First Media?