Mastering a Seamless Omnichannel Marketing Campaign

June 13, 2023

An omnichannel marketing strategy should prioritize the customer experience, channel integration, a clear customer journey, and utilizing adaptive technology. 

Omnichannel marketing has become a foundational strategy for many brands in the digital age.

Compared to the hollowness of single-channel marketing efforts, successful omnichannel marketing gives brands a clear and effective voice. And when compared to a disjointed or siloed multichannel marketing strategy, omnichannel distribution creates a cohesive experience that benefits customers and brands in real-time. Find out how First Media’s omnichannel distribution can help you reach customers at every stage.

First Media’s Omnichannel Distribution Strategy

Wherever your audience is, we help you reach them with four captivating channels, and endless in- and out-of-home platforms to connect with users.

Our omnichannel approach involves digital channels, television, and out-of-home spaces that meet and enchant viewers. Amassing hundreds of millions of monthly views, engagements, and followers, our presence online is only part of our efforts.

TV marketing creates even more engagement and fandom on social media – our brands come to your customers’ TVs to bring great content and much more. With domestic and international distribution, we reach over 40 million US homes, plus a presence in multiple countries outside the US.

Out-of-home distribution helps reach audiences in the places TV and social marketing can’t get to. Connect with your customers wherever they are outdoors with 64 billion monthly video impressions in places like malls, restaurants, public transportation, gas stations, lobbies and elevators.

Combining these three prongs, our omnichannel marketing campaigns magnify your connection with your users, whether they’re at a brick and mortar store or at home watching their favorite show.

Why Our Omnichannel Strategy Packs a Punch

1. Centering the Customer Experience

Today, the customer must be the center of your strategy. With a world of choices at their fingertips and the technology to access every piece of information, every review, and every other option, your users need to feel centered in a consistent experience. Standing out from other ecommerce brands and building your customers’ lifetime value means creating a customer journey that feels comfortable, no matter their entry point into the funnel. 

First Media’s customer-centric omnichannel experience creates that comfort by pulling in the best content across platforms and sustaining customer engagement while users shop in-store or on their mobile apps.

2. Channel Integration

Again, an omnichannel marketing approach is so powerful because it enables a consistent, logical user experience across platforms. Users can switch between channels easily, pick up where they left off, and carry on down the marketing funnel. With First Media, that goes even further. Because we design, execute, and host content, our channel integration stays in-house to prevent any content marketing silos and give you better insight. Each touchpoint is connected to the last, eliminating fragmentation to improve the customer experience.

3. Data and Analytics

When executed well, omnichannel marketing can grant a great return on investment, and measuring the effectiveness of your strategy is a key component of ensuring that return on investment. KPIs for insight on brand awareness, conversions, and customer retention, among others, will be helpful metrics to assess the impact of your campaigns and use that to optimize your strategy.

Customer data is similarly impacted by an omnichannel strategy. You get to learn more about your customers than ever before with all of the material that comes with omnichannel distribution. Don’t neglect to integrate the information you gain about users into your strategy – it can only serve you. 

That benefit is evidenced in our deep understanding of customers of numerous niches at First Media. Because we interact with users across platforms and industries, we’ve learned what makes them tick, how to utilize different channels to speak to them distinctly, and which paths to take to garner more engagement.

4. Better Personalization

Like many digital marketing strategies, omnichannel distribution can be personalized to meet your ecommerce brand’s needs. Whether you want to boost customer loyalty and retention rates, reach new customers, or boost online purchases on your site, omnichannel marketing can be a resource to do so. Use it to learn more about your customers, send the right message across platforms, improve brand experience, and more. 

With First Media, our partnership depends wholly on your marketing goals. Instead of tackling those alone, connecting with First Media gives you access to an already-in-place omnichannel strategy that you can use to work towards meeting those benchmarks.

5. Adaptive Technology and Automation

Amazon isn’t the only brand to use automation to improve its success. There are numerous marketing tools to choose from to cater to the needs of an omnichannel marketing strategy. Customer relationship management (CRM) software, email marketing automation platforms, technology that builds buyer personas, and more – there are thousands of brands working on new tech. You’ll see tools that automate SMS notifications, retarget customers for you, and even write your social posts. Many of these tools work well in taking some of the pressure off of your marketing team, helping you identify and meet customers’ needs, and building out a more successful advertising strategy.

But a tool is only as good as its user, and sometimes taking the time to learn a new system isn’t a valuable use of time. In those cases, a brand partner like First Media, having already integrated valuable tools into our system, can offer more reliable support. Our proprietary technologies give partners access to omnichannel customer insights that can lead to a better, more personalized experience for all of your users.

First Media’s Omnichannel Marketing In Action

Our So Yummy x Fresh Direct Campaign is an example of the power of omnichannel marketing – and the ease of use as a partner of First Media. We took Fresh Direct to the rails with dynamic recipes on OUTFRONT Media screens in the New York City Subway. Users making their way to work and exploring the city in person were shown high-quality, well-executed content on an offline channel that grabbed their attention. The collaboration put Fresh Direct in front of users they might not reach otherwise, while attending to customers that could interact with other brand content on their mobile devices. The cohesive journey, from socials to subways, was a win for Fresh Direct, OUTFRONT, and First Media.

Connect with First Media for Omnichannel Success

Learn more about how partnering with First Media can give you access to all the benefits of omnichannel distribution and more.