6 TED Talks / Podcasts to Help You with Social Media

Social media is an ever-changing platform, we totally understand that it can feel like a full-time job just trying to keep up with times. That being said, we grabbed six (6) TEDx/podcasts we thought you could pick up a trick or two from. 1. “How to Make a Splash in Social Media” TED Talk by Alexis Ohanian
Our number 1 TEDx Talk while it dates back to 2009, still identifies the importance of how even the simplest meme can be VERY effective even in today’s environment. Alexis Ohanian, Co-Founder of Reddit, talks about the importance of not being afraid to make a splash with your social media presence and if a good meme comes of it even better! Let’s be honest, it’s rather doubtful that Jen Ellis ever thought that her mittens would be one of the hottest topics from the 2021 Inauguration held this past January. Well Bernie Sanders did not let her down! This turned into an opportunity of a lifetime and this meme was without a doubt unstoppable! 2. “How Craving Attention Make You Less Creative” TED Talk by Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who you may recognize from a few big screen movies, discusses and tries to help identify the true reason one is looking for attention and why it might actually be more harmful than good if you are doing it for the wrong reason. Joseph highlights the idea that if your creativity is driven by attention, then you’re never going to be fulfilled. Your goal to be creative should be fueled by what is important to you and not be swayed by outside forces. Also, to not see other creative perspectives as competitors, but as collaborations.
Where do you see yourself on this topic?
3. Ace the Gram – by Tasha Meys & Viv Conway
These two young witted ladies from Australia are a breath of fresh air! If you’re looking to get a glimpse into the mind of the younger generation, then check them out. Tash and Viv are a true testament to the idea that if you grind hard enough you can make it happen. Their expertise is geared more towards Instagram, but they also offer other services, such as workshops, account management and content creation. No need to toot anyone’s horn, but these are just a few of the companies they’ve worked with in the last few years; Subway, Rhythm and Vines, The Collective and AIMS Games. Oh, and not to mention their editorial debuts, Tash and Viv have been featured in Boss Babe, HuffPost, VentureCentre and Focus for their young fresh outlook on using Instagram as a successful business tool. This international power duo radiates fun in every episode! Learn More: Website l Spotify l Apple Podcast l Stitcher
Recent Episodes:
- Megan/Harry/Oprah, NFTs, Dispo + the NBA & Snapchat, #70
- Cults, crack-downs and tall-poppy syndrome, #69
4. Social Pros Podcast – by Jay Baer and Adam Brown
Social Pros Podcast has been crushing the content marketing game since 2012! Not to mention that they are also a recipient of the Content Marketing Awards for Best Podcast. Kudos Jay and Adam! This podcast talks about all kinds of topics, from “Where Does Clubhouse Fit in Your Social Media Plan” to “How Google Uses Social Media to Enchant Developers Globally”. So, there is a good chance you’ll find something to expand your knowledge. This is a great resource to have in your back pocket, this duo is notoriously known for having the skinny on some pretty noteworthy companies too, like Ford, ESPN and Dell. Side note, each podcast runs around 45 minutes and a new episode is updated every Friday, so Aloha Friday to you! Learn more: Website l Spotify l Stitcher
Recent Episodes:
- Where Does Clubhouse Fit in Your Social Media Plan
- Why Now is The Time For Brands to Take Chances in Social Media
5. The Science of Social Media – by Team Buffer
This Podcast should definitely grab your attention if you’re someone that is trying to dial in your social and brand marketing strategy. Team Buffer has a rolodex of podcasters that discuss a slew of topics from building your twitter followers to quantifying the success of your social media. This group of Buffers really try to address their viewers needs and welcome inquiries from their audience. The Science of Media is super useful for everyone in the biz, but can really help clear up any muddy water you might be facing with your current strategies. Learn more: Website l Spotify l Apple Podcast l Stitcher
Recent Episodes:
- How to Build an Audience on Twitter (with Matthew Kobach)
- No Budget, No Problem: Shifting Social Media Strategy in the Face of COVID-19
6. Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner
If you’re looking for a podcast with a bit more meat and potatoes, this might be another good one for you! Not to mention Michael’s podcast has been viewed by some professionals as one of the top ten podcasts for marketing advice. You’ll find new posts weekly; each episode runs about 45 minutes long and he’s consistently delivering a decent amount of information to his listeners each time. Plus, he has another live show Social Media Marketing Talk Show if you’re interested in hearing additional information on how to guide yourself in this social media jungle, as he calls it! Learn more: Website l Spotify l Apple Podcast
Recent Episodes:
- The Future of Social Marketing: Trends to Track – 448
- Content Marketing With Instagram: How to Build Demand – 447
Final Thoughts
We know there are TONS of resources out there to help educate yourself on whatever your social media needs are, so if one of these don’t hit the mark keep looking! There is something out there for everyone.